Meghan DaumI Work So Much I’m Sore From My ChairAs a freelancer, I thought I was made for pandemic-style work life. Maybe I was wrong.Apr 23, 202117Apr 23, 202117
Meghan DaumOf Puppies, Pandemics and PrivilegeWhy was my essay about leaving New York during the pandemic the most sinister of my career?Apr 15, 20219Apr 15, 20219
Meghan DauminForgeYou Don’t Need to Know What People Are Saying About YouHow to live your life on a need-to-know basisApr 9, 202119Apr 9, 202119
Meghan DaumI Didn’t Say You Shouldn’t Write About Yourself As You Get OlderI said I shouldn’t. For now.Mar 25, 202119Mar 25, 202119
Meghan DauminHuman PartsI’m Too Old to Write About My LifeI used to be known for personal writing, now I can’t bear itMar 19, 202194Mar 19, 202194
Meghan DaumNuance Store! Grand Opening!Why have I been working as a writer all this time when I could have been selling mugs?Mar 11, 20217Mar 11, 20217
Meghan DaumA Bear Walks Into A NeighborhoodI still love Los Angeles. Will I ever be able to go back?Mar 4, 20213Mar 4, 20213
Meghan DaumPandemic Podcasting: The Sound Quality and The FuryMicrophone Settings Are Making Me Crazy.Feb 26, 20218Feb 26, 20218